WH&S Policy

CCC Work Health & Safety Policy


CCC Window Cleaning recognizes its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for our window cleaning contractors, our customers, and any visitors to the site. Our high regard for work health and safety ensures that any of our operations do not place any person in danger of injury as well as avoiding property damage.

CCC Window Cleaning’s Work Health and Safety goal is to continually and consistently work towards eliminating all injuries plus fatalities through risk assessments, safety work procedures, and contractor training.


CCC management are committed to the following:

  • Including all Work Health and Safety into all aspects of CCC Window Cleaning operations.
  • Compliance with Perth legislative requirements, current standards in the industry of window cleaning, and co-operation with regulatory bodies, as far as is reasonable.
  • Striving for best practice systems with a focus on a high level of safety procedures.
  • Specific goals to enable continued improvement in performance and accountability.
  • Maintaining a safe working environment for window cleaners and the public.
  • Consultation with contractors and clients to improve the decision-making on Work Health and Safety and environmental areas.
  • Development, implementation and review of a safe work method statement.
  • Distribution and communication of safety information and safe work procedures
  • Information, training and appropriate supervision of workers as well as the review and assessment of Work Health and Safety, Environmental, and Quality policies.

Contractors are expected to:

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others in the work place.
  • Co-operate with CCC management to enable compliance with WHS.
  • Participate in consultative arrangements.
  • Assist and cooperate with CCC management to meet WHS goals and targets.